An Introduction

Hey there, everybody! 

I have a lot of big news coming really soon, so I’ve brought in a pro to help things run as smoothly as possible. 

I would like to introduce Captain Julia! She is tasked with helping me keep my socials on point. I've given her jurisdiction to post on my pages. But don’t worry, it won’t be confusing. 

Her posts will be in 3rd person, clear and to the point. 

Mine will be in first person, a little jumbled, with a healthy dose of sarcasm & self deprecation. Y’all know how I roll. 

I'd love it if you'd like the Facebook pagefollow me on Instagram, and subscribe to the mailing list, so we can keep you in the loop. (Feel free to download some tunes and read some ramblings while you're here, too.) 

Keep your eyes peeled for some really cool stuff from us soon. I am very excited about everything that’s happening, and I want y’all to come along for the ride and be a part of this journey. 

